これはすごい。JACKIE WILSONの未発表25曲を含む、彼の音源集が英ACEより2CDで登場。
なんと全48曲中25曲が未発表。BRUNSWICKの膨大なテープを掘り起こし、未発表の別テイクや別バージョンなどをがっちり収録。毎度ACEの執念には驚かされるばかりです。レコーディングは61-66年の間にニューヨークにて行われたもの。今作にはプロデューサーであるNAT TARNOPOLやEDDIE SINGLETONとの会話なども収録されていて、ファンにはたまらない1枚。近年BRUNSWICKとJACKIE WILSONの再発が進められていますが、これは最後の一撃とも言えるお宝リリース。
•This is a real coup: 48 tracks - with 24 previously unreleased or rare - by Jackie Wilson, whose dynamic vocal style and showmanship earned him the title “Mr. Excitement” from DJ Alan Freed.
•Extensive research into the Brunswick label vaults has uncovered these previously unreleased gems and fascinating alternate takes, versions and 45s that have not appeared on CD before, all recorded in New York from 1961 to 1966. The single-only tracks are presented in stereo for the first time. We’ve included some priceless studio chat, including interchanges between Jackie and his producers Nat Tarnopol and Eddie Singleton.
•Two of the unissued uptempo tracks, ‘Me, My Mother’s Son’ and ‘All My Lovin’’, have Northern Soul potential. Two tremendous ballads ‘I Can’t Stand Another (Hurt In My Heart)’ and ‘The Test Of Time’ undeservedly did not gain release. A current R&B favourite, ‘Call Her Up’, is presented as recorded with the original female backing vocals, replaced by a far less soulful mixed chorus on issue. Duets with LaVern Baker and Linda Hopkins are well represented, including an alternate vocal take on ‘Think Twice’ and the stereo debut of ‘Say I Do’.
JACKIE WILSON / ジャッキー・ウィルソン