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〈L.I.E.S.〉から複数のEPリリース後、アルバム「東方不敗」でその人気を不動のものとした上海在住のマレーシア人プロデューサー TZUSING の待望の最新アルバムがLPリリース。 ベルリンが誇るエクスペリメンタルサウンド名門レーベル〈PAN〉から!!
中国における家父長制的や、へテロノーマティヴィティといったジェンダー的な問題の在り方、性質による古風な二重基準が、しばしば目に見えない形で浸透し文化が支配されている、と非常に鋭く考察する TZUSING の一貫したスタンスで表現されるインダストリアル・ロウハウス12曲を収録!!
During the Tang dynasty (around the 9th Century CE), traveling intellectual Li Yuanming would routinely leave home to write and debate poetry with likeminded scholars across China, isolating his wife Cifu for sometimes weeks on end. Frustrated, she found comfort in the arms of a widowed neighbor, but when Li remained at home for an unexpected stretch of time, Cifu was prompted to develop a method to signal her lover it was safe to approach. She stitched a special green hat that she handed to her husband as he was about to leave town; when Li was wearing the hat, it worked like a traffic signal - green meant go. But this didn't last for long, during one trip Li returned home early and caught Cifu and their neighbor together, and when the local community caught wind of the story, the green hat became an enduring symbol of infidelity. On Tzusing's sophomore album the Malaysian-born artist, who lives between Shanghai and Taipei, meditates on China's complicated history of patriarchal heteronormativity, and how these archaic double standards continue to dominate the culture in pervasive, often invisible ways. Even in progressive circles, internalized male inadequacy and its inevitable projection of possessiveness and aggression has been brushed underneath the rug, so by addressing it head-on, Tzusing attempts to question these structures using a level of aesthetic anxiety and thematic intensity that's hard to ignore.
TZUSING / ツーシン