USオルタナティヴ・ロック・バンド、THE POSIESが1990年にリリースした2ndアルバムにしてパワー・ポップ・クラシック『DEAR 23』がオリジナル・テープからのリマスター音源に大量のボーナス・トラック(未発表音源含む)を追加してリイシュー!
■Dear 23
1-1 My Big Mouth
1-2 Golden Blunders
1-3 Apology
1-4 Any Other Way
1-5 You Avoid Parties
1-6 Suddenly Mary
1-7 Help Yourself
1-8 Mrs. Green
1-9 Everyone Moves Away
1-10 Flood Of Sunshine
■Bonus Tracks
1-11 My Big Mouth (Demo)
1-12 Golden Blunders (Demo)
1-13 Any Other Way (Demo)
1-14 Suddenly Mary (Demo)
1-15 Help Yourself (Demo)
1-16 Mrs. Green (Demo)
1-17 Flood Of Sunshine (Ken Edit)
■More Bonus Tracks
2-1 Apology (Jon Demo)
2-2 Golden Blunders (Jon Demo)
2-3 What Am I Supposed To Do? (Demo)
2-4 I Don't Want To Talk To You (Jon Demo)
2-5 Apology (Ken Demo)
2-6 Thinking Outloud (Jon Demo)
2-7 Something That You've Never Done (Jon Demo)
2-8 Magnifying Mirror (Ken Demo)
2-9 Diary Of An Insecure Girl (Ken Demo)
2-10 Now They Want Your Head (Jon Demo)
2-11 Boy In The Plastic Bubble (Jon Demo)
2-12 Will You Ever Ease Your Mind? (Jon Demo)
2-13 The Only Ones (Demo)
2-14 This One's Taken (Demo)
2-15 Saying Sorry To Myself (Demo)
2-16 King Midas In Reverse (John Leckie Mix)
2-17 Keep Me Guessing (Demo)
2-18 Feel
2-19 Spite & Malice
2-20 I Am The Cosmos
POSIES / ポウジーズ