トランペット奏者のDAVID WRIGHTを中心に結成された米国産ジャズロックグループMCLUHANがシカゴの名門Brunswickから1970年にリリースした唯一作!!フルート、クラリネット、サックス等管楽器に巧みに操る盟友PAUL COHNと共に吹き荒れる重厚なホーンと畳み込むオルガン、グレイトなアレンジが光る長編ジャズロックには圧巻の一言です。最新リマスター、デジパック仕様で登場!!
Jazz Rock / Fusion (US)
Original release 1970
Re-issue 2010 Picar
Remastered !
Side 1
1 The Monster Bride (David Wright)
2 Spiders (In Neals Basement) (Marvin Krout)
3 Witches Theme and Dance (David Wright)
4 A Brief Message From Your Local Media (David Wright)
a)The Garden
b) The Assembly Line
c) Electric Man
d) Question
David Wright / Trumpet, Vocals, Narrator, Slide Whistle
Paul Cohn / Flute, Clarinet, Tenor sax, Flute and Flute with Maestro
Woodwind Device
Neal Rosner / Bass Guitar Lead vocals
John Mahoney / Drums, Vocals
Micahael Linn / drums on Witches
Dennis Stoney Philips / guitar, Vocals
Tom (Tojza) Laney / Organ, piano, Screaming
Bobby Christian / Timpani, xylophone and chimes on Bride and Brief Message
McLuhan biography
McLuhan was a concept and a mixed-media group where no particular musical venue or style would necessarily prevail. The creator of the idea was David Wright who composed most of the music and wrote the lyrics on their only album, Anomaly. Paul Cohn was a friend and fellow-student of David Wright at UICC (University of Illinois Chicago). He was also a sax, flute and clarinetist in a week-end prom group called the Seven Seas. When the band lost their trumpetist he asked his friend who he knew could play, to fill in. Soon after the group had a falling apart thing with the singer and guitar player who had big plans and wanted to be stars etc...