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ディスクユニオン CLUB/DANCE

デトロイトテクノの伝説、ミニマルテクノのイノベイター、テクノミュージックの探求者。ターンテーブル・ウィザード JEFF MILLSによるニューアルバムが完成!


デイミアン・チャゼル監督、ライアン・ゴスリング主演の映画「ファーストマン」や月面着陸に迫るドキュメンタリー「アポロ11:ファーストステップ版」の公開など、我々の月への知的探究心を刺激する作品が続く中、表現者としてのJEFF MILLSが世に問うイマジネーションがここに現れる。

“There are influences of the Moon we can detect, measure and document as scientific facts. If these are perceived as rational explanations, then it should raise questions about the possibility of other unseen mental and metaphysical connections humans have, not just with the Moon but with all other celestial bodies in and outside this Solar System.  On the flipside, as we recognize that our Sun gives us light and a lifespan, what does an even greater force in the Cosmos, perhaps the darkness [or absence of anything] affects us.
If we look at the Moon as a component in a vast configuration of integral connected parts, then an intuitive sense might lead us to a wider understanding about how deeply our relationship lies.
This album and the imagination that helped to produce it should be considered as a proposition with open-endedness and no foreseeable conclusion.  It is a chemistry of facts and feelings based on then, now and forever”.
-Jeff Mills