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ウッドストック50周年! 歴史的フェスのオーディオ・ドキュメンタリー・コレクションが10CDセット・リリース!


69年8月15日から18日の3日間に亘り、実際にはウッドストックから約50マイルに位置するニューヨーク州サリバン郡ベセルに広がる600エーカー(242ヘクタール以上)の酪農農場で開催されたウッドストック・フェスティヴァル。40万人以上の観客が詰めかけたこの催しには、THE BAND、CSN&Y、JOAN BAEZ、GRATEFUL DEAD、JIMI HENDRIX、JANIS JOPLIN、SANTANA、SLY & THE FAMILY STONE、THE WHO、CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL、JEFFERSON AIRPLANEなど錚々たるアーティスト達が出演しました。


しかしながら、当然そのフェスティヴァルの全貌は3時間以上の映画でも捉えることが出来ていません。本作は、映画のサウンドトラックから漏れてしまったアーティストたちのライヴ音源をアーティストの登場順に収録しているだけでなく、当時のMCや農場主のMAX YASGURが観客に語りかけるスピーチなども収録したまさしく完全版エディション。

リリースにあたり、EDDIEKRAMERとLEE OSBOURNEによってレコーディングされた60以上ものマルチ・トラック・テープ、さらにステージ・クルーによってレコーディングされた100以上ものサウンドボード・テープを全て集めて整理し、「出来事順」に並べ直すのは、本当に気の遠くなる作業だったとプロデューサーのANDY ZAXは語っています。

彼とサウンド・プロデューサーのBRIAN KEHEW、そしてマスタリング・エンジニアのDAVE SCHULTZは、オリジナル・テープの「本物感」を損なわないために出来るだけ手を加えすぎないように心がけたとのこと。ところどころで最新のテクノロジーも使用し、数年前では修復不可能だった音源を蘇らせることにも成功しています。例えば、当時雨により途中で中止となったRAVI SHANKARの演奏で唯一残っている音源は決して最適な状態とは呼べないモノラル・テープでしたが、ABBEY ROAD STUDIOSのJAMES CLARKEが開発した画期的なデ・ミキシング技術によりそれぞれの楽器の音を抽出し、新たなステレオ・ミックスとして復活させています。また修復不可能と言われていたBLOOD, SWEAT & TEARSのホーン・パートもようやく本来あるべき形で聴くことが出来るようになりました。

また本作のオーディオ・ドキュメンタリー感を盛り上げるのは、当日司会を務めたステージ・マネージャーのJOHN MORRISとライティング・ディレクターのCHIP MONCK。フェスティヴァルでは元々司会が雇われておらず、2人はクジで選ばれたそう。会場の諸注意や呼び出し、さらに出演アーティストとの掛け合いまで、フェスティヴァルで何が起こっていたのかを伝えてくれる貴重な記録となっています。


■出演アーティスト (出演順)

●8月15日(金) 午後から深夜

●8月16日(土) 午後から翌朝

●8月17日(日) 午後から翌朝

※・・・ ""内はMC/トーク部分


Disc 01

  • 1. "Hello" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/15/1969) [2019 Mix] - Richie Havens
  • 2. From The Prison / Get Together / From The Prison (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/15/1969) [2019 Mix] - Richie Havens
  • 3. High Flying Bird (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/15/1969) [2019 Mix] - Richie Havens
  • 4. With A Little Help From My Friends (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/15/1969) [2019 Mix] - Richie Havens
  • 5. Handsome Johnny (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/15/1969) [2019 Mix] - Richie Havens
  • 6. Freedom (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/15/1969) [2019 Mix] - Richie Havens
  • 7. "It seems there are a few cars blocking the road" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/15/1969) [2019 Mix] - John Morris
  • 8. Look Out (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/15/1969) [2019 Mix] - Sweetwater
  • 9. Day Song (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/15/1969) [2019 Mix] - Sweetwater
  • 10. Two Worlds (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/15/1969) [2019 Mix] - Sweetwater
  • 11. Jennifer (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/15/1969) [2019 Mix] - Bert Sommer
  • 12. And When It's Over (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/15/1969) [2019 Mix] - Bert Sommer
  • 13. America (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/15/1969) [2019 Mix] - Bert Sommer
  • 14. Smile (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/15/1969) [2019 Mix] - Bert Sommer
  • 15. "Let's see how bright it can be" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/15/1969) [2019 Mix] - John Morris
  • 16. How Can We Hang On To A Dream (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/15/1969) [2019 Mix] - Tim Hardin
  • 17. If I Were A Carpenter (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/15/1969) [2019 Mix] - Tim Hardin
  • 18. Reason To Believe (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/15/1969) [2019 Mix] - Tim Hardin
  • 19. Misty Roses (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/15/1969) [2019 Mix] - Tim Hardin
  • 20. "We're a pretty big city right now" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/15/1969) [2019 Mix] - John Morris

Disc 02

  • 1. "Somebody, somewhere is giving out some flat blue acid" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/15/1969) [2019 Mix] - John Morris
  • 2. Raga Manj Kmahaj (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Ravi Shankar
  • 3. Momma Momma (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Melanie
  • 4. Beautiful People (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Melanie
  • 5. Mr. Tambourine Man (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Melanie
  • 6. Birthday Of The Sun (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Melanie
  • 7. "It's a free concert from now on" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - John Morris
  • 8. Coming Into Los Angeles (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Arlo Guthrie
  • 9. "Lotta freaks!" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Arlo Guthrie
  • 10. Wheel Of Fortune (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Arlo Guthrie
  • 11. Walking Down The Line (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Arlo Guthrie
  • 12. Every Hand In The Land (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Arlo Guthrie
  • 13. "Let's just make the festival, not the other stuff" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - John Morris
  • 14. The Last Thing On My Mind (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Joan Baez
  • 15. I Shall Be Released (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Joan Baez
  • 16. "He already had a very, very good hunger strike going" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Joan Baez
  • 17. Joe Hill (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Joan Baez
  • 18. Drug Store Truck Drivin' Man (feat. Jeffrey Shurtleff) [Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969] [2019 Mix] - Joan Baez
  • 19. "That brings us fairly close to the dawn" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - John Morris
  • 20. "I guess the reason we're here is music" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - John Morris
  • 21. They Live The Life (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Quill
  • 22. That's How I Eat (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Quill

Disc 03

  • 1. "Can those of you in the back hear well?" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Chip Monck
  • 2. Janis (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Country Joe McDonald
  • 3. Donovan's Reef (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Country Joe McDonald
  • 4. The "Fish" Cheer / I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-To-Die Rag (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Country Joe McDonald
  • 5. "Those wishing to be lost, those wishing to be found" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Chip Monck
  • 6. Savor (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Santana
  • 7. Jingo (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Santana
  • 8. Persuasion (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Santana
  • 9. Soul Sacrifice (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Santana
  • 10. "An exciting set is understandable" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Chip Monck
  • 11. How Have You Been (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - John Sebastian
  • 12. Rainbows All Over Your Blues (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - John Sebastian
  • 13. I Had A Dream (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - John Sebastian
  • 14. Darling Be Home Soon (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - John Sebastian
  • 15. Halfbreed Medley: Sinning For You / Leaving Trunk / Just To Cry / Sinning For You (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Keef Hartley Band
  • 16. "Bring Jerry's nitroglycerin pills to the Indian Pavilion" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Chip Monck

Disc 04

  • 1. "Go to Mr. Lang's office right away" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Chip Monck
  • 2. Invocation (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - The Incredible String Band
  • 3. The Letter (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - The Incredible String Band
  • 4. Gather 'Round (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - The Incredible String Band
  • 5. When You Find Out Who You Are (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - The Incredible String Band
  • 6. "If things aren't going well for you or whatever" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Chip Monck & Hugh Romney
  • 7. Going Up The Country (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Canned Heat
  • 8. Woodstock Boogie (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Canned Heat
  • 9. "Can we have a little juice on this other microphone, please?" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Bob Hite & Chip Monck
  • 10. On The Road Again (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Canned Heat
  • 11. "It's your own trip" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Chip Monck

Disc 05

  • 1. "We'll take care of that right away" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Chip Monck
  • 2. Theme For An Imaginary Western (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Mountain
  • 3. Long Red (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Mountain
  • 4. Who Am I But You And The Sun (For Yasgur's Farm) [Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969] [2019 Mix] - Mountain
  • 5. Southbound Train (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Mountain
  • 6. "Open your eyes wide" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Chip Monck & Joshua White
  • 7. "So many people have been able to participate in such a debacle" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Ken Babbs
  • 8. Mama Tried (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Grateful Dead
  • 9. "It's a sinister plot!" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Ken Babbs, Country Joe McDonald
  • 10. Dark Star (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Grateful Dead
  • 11. High Time (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - Grateful Dead
  • 12. "You're carrying Janis' wah-wah pedals" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/16/1969) [2019 Mix] - John Morris
  • 13. Green River (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Creedence Clearwater Revival
  • 14. Bad Moon Rising (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Creedence Clearwater Revival
  • 15. I Put A Spell On You (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Creedence Clearwater Revival
  • 16. "It's going to be a very long evening" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Chip Monck

Disc 06

  • 1. To Love Somebody (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Janis Joplin
  • 2. Kozmic Blues (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Janis Joplin
  • 3. Piece Of My Heart (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Janis Joplin
  • 4. "Music's for grooving, man" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Janis Joplin
  • 5. Ball And Chain (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Janis Joplin
  • 6. "Just in case you should get any ideas about leaving" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Chip Monck
  • 7. Medley: Everyday People / Dance To The Music / Music Lover / I Want To Take You Higher (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Sly & The Family Stone
  • 8. "Are you supposed to be up there rapping? No, man" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Abbie Hoffman & stagehand
  • 9. I Can't Explain (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - The Who
  • 10. Pinball Wizard (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - The Who
  • 11. "I can dig it" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Abbie Hoffman & Pete Townshend
  • 12. We're Not Gonna Take It (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - The Who
  • 13. Shakin' All Over (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - The Who
  • 14. My Generation (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - The Who
  • 15. "Welcome this new day" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Chip Monck

Disc 07

  • 1. The Other Side Of This Life (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Jefferson Airplane
  • 2. Somebody To Love (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Jefferson Airplane
  • 3. "Let's play it out of tune" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Jefferson Airplane
  • 4. 3/5 Of A Mile In 10 Seconds (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Jefferson Airplane
  • 5. Won't You Try / Saturday Afternoon (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Jefferson Airplane
  • 6. "We got a whole lot of orange and it was fine" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Jefferson Airplane
  • 7. Plastic Fantastic Lover (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Jefferson Airplane
  • 8. Volunteers (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Jefferson Airplane
  • 9. "If you're too tired to chew, pass it on" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Hugh Romney
  • 10. "The roads are fairly clear now" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - JOHN MORRIS
  • 11. "This is the largest group of people ever assembled in one place" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Max Yasgur
  • 12. Dear Landlord (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Joe Cocker
  • 13. Feelin' Alright (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Joe Cocker
  • 14. Let's Go Get Stoned (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Joe Cocker
  • 15. Hitchcock Railway (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Joe Cocker
  • 16. With A Little Help From My Friends (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Joe Cocker
  • 17. "Isn't the rain beautiful?" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - John Morris, Barry Melton, Rainstorm & Audience

Disc 08

  • 1. Rock & Soul Music (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Country Joe & The Fish
  • 2. Love (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Country Joe & The Fish
  • 3. Silver And Gold (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Country Joe & The Fish
  • 4. Rock & Soul Music (Reprise) [Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969] [2019 Mix] - Country Joe & The Fish
  • 5. Help Me (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Ten Years After
  • 6. I'm Going Home (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Ten Years After
  • 7. "Come down and say hello to us" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Chip Monck
  • 8. Chest Fever (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - The Band
  • 9. Tears Of Rage (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - The Band
  • 10. This Wheel's On Fire (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - The Band
  • 11. I Shall Be Released (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - The Band
  • 12. The Weight (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - The Band
  • 13. "We've just had a slight change in running order" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Chip Monck

Disc 09

  • 1. "It's really a drag" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/17/1969) [2019 Mix] - Chip Monck
  • 2. Leland Mississippi Blues (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Johnny Winter
  • 3. Mean Town Blues (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Johnny Winter
  • 4. Johnny B. Goode (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Johnny Winter
  • 5. "It just doesn't seem to be necessary" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Chip Monck
  • 6. More And More (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Blood, Sweat & Tears
  • 7. Spinning Wheel (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Blood, Sweat & Tears
  • 8. Smiling Phases (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Blood, Sweat & Tears
  • 9. You've Made Me So Very Happy (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Blood, Sweat & Tears
  • 10. "Tell 'em who we are, man" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Crosby, Stills & Nash
  • 11. Suite: Judy Blue Eyes (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Crosby, Stills & Nash
  • 12. Blackbird (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Crosby, Stills & Nash
  • 13. Marrakesh Express (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Crosby, Stills & Nash
  • 14. Sea Of Madness (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
  • 15. Wooden Ships (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
  • 16. "Bummer!" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
  • 17. 49 Bye-Byes (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young

Disc 10

  • 1. No Amount Of Loving (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - The Butterfield Blues Band
  • 2. Love March (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - The Butterfield Blues Band
  • 3. Everything's Gonna Be Alright (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - The Butterfield Blues Band
  • 4. "Test" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Chip Monck & Sha Na Na
  • 5. Get A Job (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Sha Na Na
  • 6. Come Go With Me (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Sha Na Na
  • 7. Silhouettes (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Sha Na Na
  • 8. At The Hop (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Sha Na Na
  • 9. Duke Of Earl (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Sha Na Na
  • 10. Get A Job (Reprise) [Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969] [2019 Mix] - Sha Na Na
  • 11. "Thank you for making all this possible" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Chip Monck
  • 12. Hear My Train A Comin' (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Jimi Hendrix
  • 13. Izabella (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Jimi Hendrix
  • 14. The Star-Spangled Banner (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Jimi Hendrix
  • 15. "Good wishes, good day, and a good life" (Live at Woodstock, Bethel, NY, 8/18/1969) [2019 Mix] - Chip Monck