VISEIRA (紙ジャケット仕様)

DAVI FONSECA ダヴィ・フォンセカ

摩訶不思議なコンポジションと、普遍的で濃密なブラジルの歌文化が融合する特大スケールの傑作! ミナス新世代の注目株=ダヴィ・フォンセカの待望2ndアルバム('24)!

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NEW! interview Davi Fonseca:ミナスで生まれた脱植民地化を目指すブラジル独自の音楽

ミルトン・ナシメント、トニーニョ・オルタといった世界的な巨匠を筆頭に、近年ではアントニオ・ロウレイロやハファエル・マルチニといった、世界のジャズ・シーンと共振する才能を送り出してきたブラジル、ミナスジェライスのジャズ/器楽音楽シーン。そのなかでネクスト・ブレイク必至と言われるのが、このダヴィ・フォンセカ(Davi Fonseca)だ。

ロウレイロらも卒業したミナス連邦大学の作曲コースで学士号を取得すると、すぐに州都ベロオリゾンチのインディーシーンで特異な存在感を発揮。ハファエル・マルチニ、アレシャンドリ・アンドレス、ルイーザ・ブリーナといった地元ミナスのミュージシャンだけでなく、エルザ・ソアレス、レチエレス・レイチ、モニカ・サルマーゾ、ルエジ・ルナ、ペドロ・マルチンスといったブラジルを代表する新旧の音楽家達とも共演してきた。 2019年には1stアルバム『Piramba』をリリース。ミナスの新世代ミュージシャンらしい複雑なコンポジションと普遍的な歌が共存する内容で、ブラジル国内外で絶賛を浴びると、ここ日本でも輸入盤CDが異例のセールスを記録するなど、強烈にその名前を印象付けることに成功した。それ以来、約5年ぶりとなる新作が本作だ。


■ 歌詞対訳付 (翻訳: 村上達郎)

arrangements by Davi Fonseca, except for Barra Grande, arranged by Luiza Brina.


Aldo Bibiano (1, 5, 8) 
Alê Fonseca (1, 2)  
Alexandre Andrés (5, 8)  
Alexandre Silva (5, 8)  
Carla Machado (1, 2)  
Davi Fonseca (all)  
Délcio Fonseca (8)  
Felipe José (2, 5, 7, 8)  
Isaar (8)  
João Machala (1, 5, 6, 7, 8)  
João Paulo Drumond (1)  
Juliana Perdigão (1, 2)  
Lucas Telles (1, 2, 3)  
Luiza Brina (4)  
Luka Milanovic (2, 8)  
Natália Mitre (2, 3, 5, 7, 8)  
Pablo Dias (1)  
Paulo Sartori (1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8)  
Pedro Durães (3, 4)  
Pedro Fonseca (1, 2)  
Pedro Mota (1, 5, 6, 7)  
Rafael Martini (2)  
Sofia Cupertino (1, 2)  
Valéria Braga (1, 2)  
Xangai (2)  
Yara Tanure (1, 2)  
Yuri Vellasco (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8)

Music Production: Pedro Durães and Davi Fonseca  
Musical Direction: Davi Fonseca  
Recording Engineer: Pedro Durães  
Recording Assistant: Roberto Grande  
Mixing and Mastering: Pedro Durães  
Recording Studio: New Doors Vintage Keys
Piano Tuner: Bernardo Brandão  
Additional Recordings: Acústico Motor (Wooden Marimba and Timpani)  
Preliminary Recordings: Salinha

Graphic Art:
Art Direction: Júlia Filgueiras  
Mask: Mariana Teixeira  
Photos: Ciro Thielmann  
Videos: Ciro Thielmann  
Manager: Octávio Cardozzo  
Agency: Peleja Lab  
Cook (photo): Adriana Salamaleicon  
Costume Seamstress (photo): Maria do Socorro  

Special thanks to Carla Machado for the tons of eggplant and chickpea hummus, to Cid and Vânia for lending us the "Fazendinha" for the photo shoot, and to Seu Antônio, who kindly allowed us to use his "Barraca do Patureba" as a location for the Presepeira photo. 

By Ciro Thielmann
Photo(c) Ciro Thielmann

Davi Fonseca is a pianist, composer, arranger, and singer, born in Belo Horizonte – MG. Holding a Bachelor's degree in Composition from UFMG, he has a strong presence in the independent music scene of his city, performing alongside musicians such as Rafael Martini, Alexandre Andrés, Luiza Brina, PC Guimarães, among others. Additionally, he has collaborated with prominent figures in Brazilian music such as Elza Soares, Letieres Leite, Mônica Salmaso, Léa Freire, Teco Cardoso, Nelson Ayres, Tiago Costa, Otto, as well as emerging artists in the Brazilian and global scene like Castello, Luedji Luna, Pedro Martins, Lio, and Lay Soares from the band TUYO.

In 2019, he released his debut album titled "Piramba", which was considered the 8th Best Brazilian Album of the Year (2019) by the Embrulhador list, the 3rd Best Album in the World (2020) by the Japanese website Música Terra, and the 12th Best Album in the World by the Japanese website zippu21. During the maturation process of the album's repertoire, the composer received the BDMG Instrumental Award XVIII (2018) and the Young Instrumentalist BDMG Award (2017) for his compositions and arrangements. "Piramba" was released by the Savassi Festival Records label and features special guest appearances by Mônica Salmaso, Rafael Martini, and Felipe Vilas Boas. It was also the winner of the Arte como Respiro grant from Itaú Cultural, with national competition.

Now, Davi presents his second album: "Viseira", a work that aims to affirm his connection with popular music made in Brazil. The album features the participation of 21 musicians from Belo Horizonte, and each track has different instrumentation and its own sound. This work consists of eight songs, and the musician enlisted special guest appearances by Xangai, Artur Pádua, Isaar, and Luiza Brina, who was the guest singer and arranger on the track "Barra Grande." The other arrangements were written by Davi himself, showcasing the intimate relationship that the artist nurtures with both song and instrumental music. Within them, complex rhythms and plots coexist with captivating melodies and tones, inviting the audience to an immersive experience in which each new listen brings something new.


  • 1. Apocalipse à Brasileira - feat. Artur Pádua
  • 2. Presepeira - feat. Xangai
  • 3. Lasca
  • 4. Barra Grande - feat. Luiza Brina
  • 5. Melô do Coach
  • 6. Guimba
  • 7. Sagarana
  • 8. A Laje de Hermeto - feat. Isaar