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Will Vinson: alto sax, soprano sax & flute
Todd Bashore: alto sax & flute
Luke Batson: tenor sax, clarinet & flute
Carl Maraghi: baritone sax & bass clarinet
Jonathan Powell: trumpet
Tatum Greenblatt: trumpet & flugelhorn
Ryan Keberle: trombone
Mike Fahie: trombone
Jess Jurkovic: piano
Jeff Davis: drum set
Tony De Vivo: cajón

A stunning new release from Argentinean bassist-composer Pedro Giraudo, whose previous album, “El Viaje” swept top honors in Latin Jazz Corner's "Best Of The Year Awards," winning 2009 Latin Jazz Album Of The Year, and Latin Jazz Large Ensemble Album Of The Year. Among the critical acclaim: “an opulent listening experience of modern, orchestral jazz, brimming with passionate improvisations, deliberate contrapuntal melodies and plush harmonies.” Downbeat In Argentina, Córdoba is the name of both a province, and its capital city.
Although I grew up in the city of Córdoba, as a child I would spend every summer with my family at
a large farm in the countryside, where there was no electricity and no phone. It was there that I learned about the most basic, fundamental things of life. Surrounded by nature, I was exposed to conception, birth, sickness and death. I also learned how to make bread, churn butter, ride a horse, start a fire, and fix all sorts of things, from farm implements to  household tools. Those country summers played a large part in shaping
the person I am today, although I've been living in the U.S. for over 14 years and have become very much an urban person.

When I compose, I generally start with a melodic concept that I explore on guitar; the arrangements come later. Whether writing about a sunrise or an encounter, my music is informed by the essential sentimental and rhythmic elements of Argentine popular music, including the chacarera, zamba and baguala. There are also hints of the more urban Argentine tango. I think that both Argentine musical traditions and American
jazz allow a broad range of emotion. For me, one of the most powerful emotions is nostalgia — in the case of this album, my nostalgia for the innocence, the excitement of discovery, and the beauty of those summers spent with my family in the beautiful Córdoba countryside.


  • 1. Visitas [Visits]
  • 2. Pueblo [Village] - Parte 1
  • 3. Pueblo [Village] - Parte 2
  • 4. Pueblo [Village] - Parte 3
  • 5. Sol Naciente [Sun Rising]
  • 6. Duende del Mate [The Dwarf of the Mate]
  • 7. A la Escuela [The Road to School]
  • 8. Latente [Dormant]